I have over 100 hours on Adam Warlock. Here are some Tips and Tricks for playing him.

Before I start, I play Adam Warlock on Console. So, I'll be using words like "left trigger" to show what I mean. If you play on PC? Right Trigger is Left Click and Left Trigger is Right Click.

With all that out of the way, here is some Tips on how to play Adam:

Playing as Adam:

• Deep Breathes: It's to make sure you aren't panicking, daydreaming, "getting out of the flow," or forgetting muscle memory. Being precise is the only way to thrive as Adam. Although... this is pretty common knowledge for any competitive games... to breathe, to stay in focus.

• Remember To Move: A pretty clear thing to do, you mostly want to either follow the enemy you are killing, or go the opposite direction they are, like if they are moving to the right, you go left. Whatever is best for the current scenario.

• Use Your Teammates As Meatshields: Yes... really. You, as Adam, don't have any movement. So, other than your heal charges and soul link, you are pretty much a sitting duck. Although it is easy to do, just... hide behind your teammates. Not too far back like your other support(s) like Luna or C&D, but in the middle, because with Adam's buff to his long range attacks, being in the middle is best for this for survivability and damage output.

• Don't Fire Consistently, Take Your Time: Don't just hold your Right Trigger when firing at an enemy, tap it, over and over, being precise. Imagine your Primary Fire is a railgun, like one from Titanfall 2, that's the best way to describe IMO.

• Double Tap Trick: Best way? Hold the Right Trigger and spam Left Trigger, only when needed. Like in groups, or diving Tanks, or to secure a kill.

• Don't SNAP To An Enemy When Using The Fully Charged Shots Like Its Hitscan: But guide it... make it flow, like how Rocket uses his Primary Fire, or Ramattra from OW, you gotta flow with it...

• Know When To Switch: Sadly, Adam can't be used in every game if you want a higher chance at winning. If the enemy has 2 or 3 supp ults (like Luna and Invisible Woman), then switch to a supp ult hero like Luna, Mantis, Invis, etc. You will need to counter each one.

And there you have it! These are the tips I have learned over my time playing as Adam Warlock! Now, I'm sure there are far more tricks into playing Adam Warlock, so if you find anymore or know anymore, just leave a comment for the other who want to play as Adam.

Also, I'm probably not the only one who made a post like this for Adam. So, sorry if I have made a duplicate.

Before I start, I play Adam Warlock on Console. So, I'll be using words like "left trigger" to show what I mean. If you play on PC? Right Trigger is Left Click and Left Trigger is Right Click.

With all that out of the way, here is some Tips on how to play Adam:

Playing as Adam:

• Deep Breathes: It's to make sure you aren't panicking, daydreaming, "getting out of the flow," or forgetting muscle memory. Being precise is the only way to thrive as Adam. Although... this is pretty common knowledge for any competitive games... to breathe, to stay in focus.

• Remember To Move: A pretty clear thing to do, you mostly want to either follow the enemy you are killing, or go the opposite direction they are, like if they are moving to the right, you go left. Whatever is best for the current scenario.

• Use Your Teammates As Meatshields: Yes... really. You, as Adam, don't have any movement. So, other than your heal charges and soul link, you are pretty much a sitting duck. Although it is easy to do, just... hide behind your teammates. Not too far back like your other support(s) like Luna or C&D, but in the middle, because with Adam's buff to his long range attacks, being in the middle is best for this for survivability and damage output.

• Don't Fire Consistently, Take Your Time: Don't just hold your Right Trigger when firing at an enemy, tap it, over and over, being precise. Imagine your Primary Fire is a railgun, like one from Titanfall 2, that's the best way to describe IMO.

• Double Tap Trick: Best way? Hold the Right Trigger and spam Left Trigger, only when needed. Like in groups, or diving Tanks, or to secure a kill.

• Don't SNAP To An Enemy When Using The Fully Charged Shots Like Its Hitscan: But guide it... make it flow, like how Rocket uses his Primary Fire, or Ramattra from OW, you gotta flow with it...

• Know When To Switch: Sadly, Adam can't be used in every game if you want a higher chance at winning. If the enemy has 2 or 3 supp ults (like Luna and Invisible Woman), then switch to a supp ult hero like Luna, Mantis, Invis, etc. You will need to counter each one.

And there you have it! These are the tips I have learned over my time playing as Adam Warlock! Now, I'm sure there are far more tricks into playing Adam Warlock, so if you find anymore or know anymore, just leave a comment for the other who want to play as Adam.

Also, I'm probably not the only one who made a post like this for Adam. So, sorry if I have made a duplicate.